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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Lao

Million years fraud and proper understanding of Genesis 1:

Updated: Aug 8, 2020

Part 1 of 2:

Millions or billions of years timeline is fraudulent and I'll explain it in this blog.

Before you proceed, I'd like to begin by saying this blog requires the reader to have a 'independent and functional brain'. Unlike atheist Mike Russell above who can't think for himself and prefers the 'experts' to do the thinking for him via peer review, and calls incidents caught on video as 'youtube video'.

When a presidential election is published on youtube, it's not a 'youtube video' but a presidential election video. If a person is killed on camera and the video is published on youtube, it's not a youtube 'video' but a murder video.

In other words if you can't think for yourself because you're a dumb sheep, don't bother reading further, this blog isn't meant for you.

Since kindergarten all the way to adulthood, billions of us have been bombarded with 'millions and billions of years ago' indoctrination. From public education, to magazines, to social media.

But have you ever questioned the claim 'millions of years ago'?

Or you just accepted it by blind faith?

Stratification, dendrochronology, geological column, ice layering, Radiometric dating, etc claiming millions of years exist are all proven fraudulent though experiments and demonstration.

They need to believe “millions of years exist” first by *BLIND FAITH* then go from there.

No scientist can prove half a life of uranium is 700 million years old and carbon is 5700 years old, decay methods are affected by environment.

A carcass can decay in a few days on a open dirt while last hundreds of years frozen. The big bang theory and the distance between planets (light years away) don’t tell us their age UNLESS you believe in singularity myth where everything (universe) started from a point of infinite density of nothingness (atom?).

Light years distances between planets doesn’t mean the universe is billions of years old unless if you believe a atom or “singularity” created you. If you measure the distance between planets and imagine they expanded from a single point like a atom, based on a expansion speed, the guesstimate is it happened about 13 billion years ago.

And I’m being nice here pretending they know where the center of the beginning is.

If nothingness is your God, then 13 billion light years away makes sense. If you believe ‘nothing became something’ and “nothing” (singularity) created you then you may also believe the universe was created 13 billion years ago. But if you have common sense (which Darwinian Evolutionist and Atheists lack) you should know DESIGNS can only be designed by a designer.

A designer don't need 13 billion years which is invented by people who wants to believe designs can be assembled "naturally" without a designer. They added "cosmic microwave background (CMB) and redshifts" as proof the universe is 13 billion years old.

CMB and redshifts tells us the universe is expanding at a certain speed, that's it. Saying anything else beyond that is EXTRAPOLATION.

If a car is traveling West on i10 Florida at 70mph, is that proof the car came from California 3 days earlier? (The universe from 13 billion years ago because of CMB and redshifts)?


The car could have traveled only 6 hours earlier, or in Louisiana 1 day earlier, or in Arizona 2 days earlier.

The universe expanding could have been created in the 3rd day ALTOGETHER AT THE SAME TIME instead from a single infinitely dense point (singularity).

Both are "Could have" or "Should have...." Both opposing ideas are BELIEFS.

We can't scientifically prove you came from "nothing" (singularity) or God. Science can't test 'infinitely dense of nothingness called singularity' or 'god' in the lab.

But one makes sense (intelligence from intelligence) while the other don't.

Therefore the big bang theory, redshifts, cosmic microwave background, and light years away don't prove billions of years exist.

Above is an atheist website, confirming that the rock testing on Mount Saint Helen, that should only be a few years old, resulted in 'millions of years old'.

Now I don't need anyone to believe the websites that prove radiometric dating is a fraud.

Ask them to test the bones you personally know the age of to see if they can predict it.

Test them in real life...

Here's the answer they'll give you. "Cost over $10,000" or "no money back guarantee if we get the age wrong" or "you have to assume first its millions of years old before we test it".

Therefore you can't just give them tiny part of bone belonging to a 15yo cow or dog for testing, they want you to tell them the age first before they can 'predict' the age 😂🤣 which beats the purpose of knowing its reliability!

They claim they must use different dating methods for different bones (they claim you can't use nanoscale to weigh a kilogram, that's their justification), so you have to tell them the bones background and age first before they'll tell you it's age afterwards.


Radiometric dating have been around for over 70 years and the public is still forbidden to bring their own materials to test it. They only want you to believe 'the experts' by blind faith.

In summary, you have to believe millions of years exist first then the millions of years result will happen.

That's how I know it's a lie, not because I red about it on the internet but because I challenged them, and I suggest you do the same in real life and watch them expose themselves as scam artists.

Part 2 of 2:

Proper understanding of Genesis 1:

First I need to address a popular gossip online.

The Bible does NOT say the Earth is flat or a disk. 4 corners of the Earth, North South East West doesn't mean the Earth is flat.

I used a compass to determine the 4 corners of the Earth, millions uses a compass and believe in the 4 corners of the Earth, but it doesn't mean they believe the Earth is flat.

When you design a basketball you have to learn the 4 corners of the ball to determine where the design begins and ends. Ask Reebok or any ball designers and they'll tell you they measure the 4 corners of the ball to mark the designs.

A flat circle cannot be between day and night as the book of Job stated. If you ask flat earthers this, they will claim the sun is smaller than Japan hovering above the sky only lighting up a small part of Earth at a time. Job 26:10 states the circle is *BETWEEN* day and night, a flat circle cannot do that because the sun illuminate light equally from all angles, unlike a shaded lamp.

Unless you shrink sun to as tiny as a bus then you can separate light and darkness from a flat Earth because the light cannot reach farther, and even if that tiny bus sized sun is real, it still cannot cause the flat circle to be *BETWEEN* day and night.

Hence, the Bible teaches a circled spherical Earth.

Leviticus 19:27 states your head have corners, it doesn't mean your head is flat. Every hair stylist knows how to cut the corners of your hair on your head, it doesn't mean your head is flat. Every ball have corners. Even the corner of cars and swimming pool is curved. Objects having corners doesn't mean it's flat.

Now back to understanding genesis creation.

In the beginning earth was *without* form. No shape, not yet circle. On the first day of *creation* day and night was made, this means earth's form was 'created' on day 1. What 'form' divides day and night?

Spherical, circle, global earth's form was made on day 1.

On genesis 1:9 God gathered the *waters* in one place *and then* dry land appeared *afterwards*. I highlighted this part because of old protestant Christians claiming this is proof of 1 giant supercontinent pangea theory. Waters gathered in one place surrounded by dry land is identical to a swimming pool on your yard. When you gather waters in one place, it does not mean you gathered dry land into one place and call it pangea.

These old dinosaur Christians (Ken Ham, etc.) misinterpret the bible in order to fit secular pangea theory in the bible (they modified pangea and called their own version 'hydroplate theory', but the premise is the same, which is continents drifting like a boat, both hydroplate and pangea theory is wrong. Hydroplate theory got 2 things right, the separation happened fast and under water, that's it, everything else is copied from pangea theory scam).

There's no pangea theory in the bible, I've discussed this with them already...

They desperately try to misinterpret Genesis like flat earthers, to favor secular worldview.

Then God finally created the constellation of the stars, sun and the moon to replace him 'temporarily' until he returns for 'harvest' or judgment day, as prophesied in the book of Revelation 21:23.

For evidence that earth is only a few thousand years old, click on this blog (it will take you to another page. )=

For few out of hundreds of archeological evidence that dinosaurs coexisted with men, browse through my Facebook photos here=

The End.

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